Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2016/17
Hong Kong Baptist University invites candidates from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds, with evidence of academic excellence, research ability and potential, and good communication, interpersonal and leadership abilities to apply for full-time PhD study under the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS). HKPFS is established by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) with an aim to attract the best and brightest students from all over the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong.
HKBU receives HK$5 million donation from Consun Pharmaceutical Group Limited to establish The Consun Chinese Medicines Research Centre for Renal Diseases
HKBU receives HK$5 million donation from Consun Pharmaceutical Group Limited to establish The Consun Chinese Medicines Research Centre for Renal Diseases
Consun Chinese Medicines Research Centre for Renal Diseases (CCRD), located at Room 503 in the Jockey Club School of Chinese Medicine Building, is established in February 2015, for recognition of the generous donation from Consun Pharmaceutical Group Limited (Consun Group)......more
Welcome to visit the homepage of Consun Chinese Medicines Research Centre for Renal Diseases (CCRD). The Centre is committed to the pursuit of excellence by creating an environment that empowers creativity and innovation, and encourages collaboration and teamwork among laboratory scientists.......more