• About the Lab
  • Technicians
  • Equipment
  • Protocol

Synthesis & Pharmaceutics & Chemical Analysis lab focuses on improving human health by safely and effectively translating new drug into clinical trials using synthetic technology, targeted nano-pharmaceutical technology and quality analysis.

Ø Drug Synthesis

Synthesizing conjugates of certain nucleic acid aptamers (possessing high specificity and affinity to specificity cell type) and natural products to develop smart drug molecules with both cell-selectivity and intracellular bioactivity for achieving efficacy and safety.

Ø  Drug Delivery

Linking certain nucleic acid aptamers (possessing high specificity and affinity to specificity cell type) with lipid- / polymer-based cargo system to develop targeted delivery system for translating the molecular understandings toward RNA interference-based therapeutics in bone and joint diseases.  

Ø  Drug Analysis

Providing expert analysis in all facets of pharmaceutical analysis (including stability, related substances, impurities and active assays, etc.) to establish specification for active pharmaceutic ingredient (API) and formulation according to the instructions provided by FDA or CFDA.


  Mr. CL Chan (M.Phil.)

  Senior Technical Officer

  Mass Spectrometry and Analytical Chemistry

  Email: clchan@hkbu.edu.hk



  Mr.Alan Ho (M.Phil.)

  Senior Technical Instructor

  Mass spectrometry

  Email: alanhhm@hkbu.edu.hk


  Dr. Li Min Zhou (Ph.D.)

  Technical Instructor

  Pharmaceutical Sciences

  Email: lmzhou@hkbu.edu.hk

Ø  Name: Delsa® Nano HC Particle Analyzer

Ø  Location: Rm. 801, SCM

Ø  Technician: Dr. Li Min Zhou (lmzhou@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: The DelsaNano series can measure particles as small as 6 Angstrom and as large as 7 micron with

    molecular weight as small as 267 Dalton in a concentration range from 0.001% to 40%. In addition to zeta potential of

    particles, zeta potential of bare, treated, or coated solid surfaces such as glass, metal, metal oxide, ceramics, etc. in

    liquid can be also measured using DelsaNano.

Ø  Name: NLI Liposome Extruder

Ø  Location: Rm. 801, SCM

Ø  Technician: Dr. Li Min Zhou (lmzhou@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: The liposome Extruder is designed to generate homogeneous populations of unilamellar vesicles

    (liposomes) without the need for solvents or detergents. Extrusion is a quick and simple one-step procedure that

    produces liposomes by forcing aqueous suspensions of lipid through polycarbonate filters with defined pore size. It is

    relatively gentle, exposing the formulation to moderate pressures (100 – 700 psi) at controlled temperatures which

    contrasts with homogenization where temperature may fluctuate, and pressures often exceed 18,000 psi. The LIPEX

    Extruder offers anumber of advantages over alternative lipid manufacturing strategies.

Ø  Name: Freeze Dryer (LABCONCO)

Ø  Location: Rm. 601, SCM

Ø  Technician: Ms. Hilda Cheung (hildacys@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: Freeze dry rates for various sample types. Collectors that reach -50° C are available with capacities from

    1 to 18 liters. Cascade systems in 2.5, 6 and 12 liter collector capacities that reach -84° C are ideal for freeze drying  

    samples with low eutectic temperatures including ones containing acetonitril.

Ø Name: FT-IR Spectrometer

Ø Location: Rm. 801, SCM

Ø  Technician: Dr. Li Min Zhou (lmzhou@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: Rapidly screen the quality of raw materials, intermediates and formulated products

Ø Name: Microcentrifuge 5417R

Ø Location: Rm. 801, SCM

Ø  Technician: Dr. Li Min Zhou (lmzhou@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: (1) T30 x1.5 / 2.0 mL capacity rotor; (2) Speed up to 25,000 x g (16,400 rpm) (3) Compact footprint for

   use on all lab benches; (4) Low profile design for ergonomic loading / unloading of rotor— allows for complete lid

   opening under low hanging shelves; (5) Low noise level to benefit your work environment; (6) Back lit, full-digit

   display for easy reading; (7) Automatic rotor recognition and imbalance detection for maximum safety; (8) Temperature

   range from –9°C to 40°C; (9) FastTemp function for fastest pre-cooling and maximum temperature

   accuracy; (10) Standby cooling maintains temperature when centrifuge is no tin use

Ø  Name: Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatograph with Tripe Qquadrupole Mass Spectrometer (UHPLC-QqQ MS /


Ø  Location: Rm. 707, SCM

Ø  Contact: Mr. CL Chan (clchan@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: Meeting our quantitative needs with triple quadrupole performance which gives superior sensitivity,

    renowned performance reliability, and easy up gradeability. The Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quadrupole LC / MS

    Systems are the proven choice for quantitative applications in pharmaceutical ADME / DMPK studies, biomarker

    validation, clinical research, food safety, forensics, toxicology and environmental analysis.

Ø  Name: Gas Chromatograph with Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD)

Ø  Location: Rm. 707, SCM

Ø  Contact: Mr. CL Chan (clchan@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: (1) Agilent 6890 offers acomplete selection of inlets: split / splitless, purged-packed, cool on-column, PTV

    and volatiles interface. (2) A wide selection of the most sensitive detectors including flame ionization (FID), thermal

    conductivity (TCD), NPD, micro-ECD, MSD and HP 5972, HP 5973 Mass Selective Detectors. (3) Early maintenance

    feedback (EMF) alerts you when up keep is due. (4) Several alternative sample introduction techniques including

    headspace, purge and trap andvalving. (5) Equipped with Electronic Pneumatics Control (EPC) feature.

Ø Name: UltiMate 3000DIONEX

Ø Location: Rm. 609, SCM

Ø  Technician: Ms. Hilda Cheung (hildacys@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: The UltiMate 3000 HPLC system offers UHPLC compatibility across all modules, ensuring maximum

    performance for all users and all laboratories. Covering flows from 20 nL/min to 10 mL/min and offering a wide range of

    pumping, sampling, and detection modules, the UltiMate 3000 series provides solutions for all your chromatography


Ø  Name: Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatograph with Diode Array Detector (UHPLC-DAD)

Ø  Location: Rm. 708, SCM

Ø  Contact: Mr. Y Tao (mrtaoyi@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: The Agilent 1260 Infinity Diode Array Detector (DAD) features a completely new optical design based on

    the Agilent Max-Light cartridge cell with optofluidic waveguides. With typical detector noise levels of <± 0.6 µAU/cm the

    revolutionary 6 cm flow cell gives up to 10 times higher sensitivity than the Agilent 1200 Series DAD and VWD

    detectors. Any compromising refractive index and thermal effects are almost completely eliminated, resulting in

    significantly less baseline drift for more reliable and precise peak integration. Multiple wavelength and full spectral

    detection with up to 80 Hz data rates allows precise identification, quantification and purity analysis at trace levels

    forultra-fast LC separations.

Ø  Name: Fourier Transform Mid- / Near-Infared Spectrometer (FT-IR)

Ø  Location: Rm. 708, SCM

Ø  Contact: Mr. Y Tao (mrtaoyi@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: Very high levels of spectroscopic performance, offering the highest levels of sensitivity. Four separate

    sampling and detector areas combined with a broad range of upgrades provides the highest level of advanced

    applications flexibility. Every Spectrum GX has fully upgradeable, interchangeable optics to provide optimized

    performance from the Near-IR right down to the Far-IR region.

Ø  Name: Thin Layer Chromatograph Visualiser and Digital Documentation System (CAMAG Reprostar 3)

Ø  Location: Rm. 708, SCM

Ø  Contact: Mr. CL Chen (clchan@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: (1) UV254, UV302 & UV366 visible light excitation. (2) Camera records the images to the Dell laptop

    where the Wincats software enables the image to be interpreted and stored for future reference. (3) Access door

    370mm x 125mm. (4) Timer 260 mins and constant. (5) Dell latitude 120 Laptop with Wincats software, s/n

    1307W007. Supplied with transformer / charger.

Ø  Name: Thin Layer Chromatograph Scanncer

Ø  Location: Rm. 708, SCM

Ø  Contact: Mr. CL Chan (clchan@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: Classical densitometry with the CAMAG Scanner 3 offers highest accuracy for quantitative evaluation.

    The complete spectral range from 190nm to 800nm can be utilised for evaluation. CAMAG TLC Scanner 3 with the

    software 'winCATS Planar Chromatography Manager' is the most advanced work station for densitometric evaluation

    of planar chromatograms.

Ø  Name: Tablet Presser

Ø  Location: Rm. 801, SCM

Ø  Contact: Dr. Li Min Zhou (lmzhou@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: This is a single punch tablet press and can manufacture tablets and odd shaped products with a

   diameter of up to 20 mmat a maximum of 4000 per hour. It operates automatically i.e. the tablets are filled, pressed

   and ejected continuously. The compression force is up to three tons and the filling depth is up to 15mm.

Ø  Name: Dissolution Tester

Ø  Location: Rm. 801, SCM

Ø  Contact: Dr. Li Min Zhou (lmzhou@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: Dissolution tests using the VK7025 determines the rate at which the active ingredients in a dosage form

    become bio-available, a key test in the quality control laboratories and stability to control the consistency of the

    manufacturing process.

Ø  Name: Spray Dryer

Ø  Location: Rm. 801, SCM

Ø  Contact: Dr. Li Min Zhou (lmzhou@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: (1) In hot air stream, 95% to 98% of moisture can be evaporated immediately. (2) Quick drying speed: the

    surface area of material liquid through atomizing is increased, greatly. (3) Product has good uniformity, fluidity,

    solubility, high pure and quality. (4) For liquid containing 0~60% of damp (special may be 90%), it can be dried to

    powder through drying one time. (5) After dried, not necessary to crush, sieve therefore reducing productive procedure.

    (6) For the size, bulk density and moisture of product can be adjusted within certain scope through exchanging

    operation condition. (7) large,  flexibility of operation (8) no high requirement for factory buildings.

Ø  Name: 20L Rotary Evaporator

Ø  Location: Rm. 801, SCM

Ø  Contact: Dr. Li Min Zhou (lmzhou@hkbu.edu.hk)

Ø  Description: The Heidolph large scale evaporators of the Laborota 20 series are perfectly designed for a great deal of

    different distilling processes, from standard evaporation without vacuum control up to complex distillation processes

    with vacuum control. Aspects such as safety, convenience and cost savings have been considerably taken into account

    during the development of the large scale evaporators. This is reflected in various unique product advantages.

Ø Name: Thermo Scientific Barnstead Electrothermal 9000

Ø Location: Rm. 802, SCM

Ø Technician: Alan HO

Ø Description: (1) To be used in production of medicines, dye stuffs, perfumes and other organic crystal substances.

    (2) Use PID & PWM to control the temperature. (3) Automatically records the melting curve. (4) measure three samples

    at the same time and calculate average value of initial and final melting points automatically. (5) Melting-point

    measurement range: room temperature ~ 400 C. (6) Minimum digital display: 0.1 C.

Ø Name: Sample Preparative HPLC System

Ø Location: Rm. 802, SCM

Ø Technician:  Alan HO

Ø Description: (1) Low dwell volume allows fast, reproducible gradients. (2) Off bed collection racks allow for true large-    

    scale fraction collection into vessels of your choice without sacrificing bed space. (3) Injection of up to 15g per run

    depending on column dimensions. (4) The 30X Pump Series configured as injection pumps can inject volumes up to

    several liters to maximize sample loading on preparative HPLC columns. (5) The GX Direct Injection Module features an

    innovative injection port design that attaches directly to the injection valve reducing void volumes and minimizing

    carryover associated with calibrated connection tubing. (6) Max. Pressure: 5000 psi (Injection Pressure), 3040 psi

    (Pump Pressure).

Ø Name: JASCO P-1010 Polarimeter

Ø Location: Rm. 802, SCM

Ø Technician: Alan HO

Ø Description: (1) Measuring specific rotation, optical rotation, sugar degree and concentration. (2) Automatic

    repetition-measurement for 6 times, and calculation of average value and means square root. (3) Sample chamber

    adopts constant temperature designing in order to decrease the temperature heating effect on measurement.

    (4) Measurement of dark-colored sample. (5) Don't need prewarm after turning on.

Ø Name: Bruker liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry

Ø Location: Rm. 802, SCM

Ø Technician:  Alan HO

Ø Description: (1) Configuring a double-pump transfusion system and a high-pressure flow path selecting valve

    system. (2) Analyzing a sample according to the set LC-MS / MS condition. (3) Analyzing a result. The limit

    of detection of the method for morphine, O6-monoacetylmorphine, codeineand acetylcodeine in the urine

    sample is 0.3-1ng.mL-1, the related coefficient gamma is above 0.9991, and the linear relation is favorable.

    (4) The urine sample can be directly injected and analyzed without pretreatment so that the experimental

    step is simplified, and the cost is saved. (5) The following mobile phases are available from the facility:

    water, water + 0.1% formic acid + 5% acetonitrile, methanol, and acetonitrile + 0.1% formic acid.